Both and then some.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

There's an internal conflict that often happens when attempting to make decisions daily. Go to the gym or just sleep in? Save money meticulously or take a break and treat myself? Be true to me even amidst my flaws and insecurities or spend my efforts being more like others who carry different strengths than me? At the end of the day I find I sway both ways.

Sometimes neither option is bad per se. Sometimes both options are equally good given the context and the variables that come into play. And sometimes, it's both and then some. Sleep in because you had an are-you-for-real(?!) kind of week and go to the gym later when you're actually awake? Treat yourself to a coffee but maybe hold back on updating your entire wardrobe? Go into relationships knowing you do have something to offer but also that there's always something to learn and take away.

Ironically, most of my life I've hauled around a heavy assortment of containers, hoping someday I'll fit into one of them for good. Making decisions by only giving myself the option of good or bad, right or wrong. Taking that pressure into adulthood and not knowing where I should or could belong.

In my adolescence I aspired to be a cowgirl, soccer player, astronaut, ballerina, veterinarian, teacher, dancer and professional singer! And conveniently when you're young, you're told "you can be anything you want to be!" However, then you adventure into your older years and realize those options are quite specific and swiftly laid out for you to choose from, strongly emphasizing that you just choose one. Now in the later stages of my twenties I wonder, maybe we can be anything we want to be but can we also be everything we want to be?

My buoyant estimate is 'yes'.

I'm starting to consider 'both and then some' as the suggestion that you can be you as you are, as you have been and as you intend to be, all simultaneously. Maybe you struggle with vulnerability because of a shunning experience in your earlier years but perhaps you then use that experience to make you cognizant of your present day tendencies? Then pair it with the vision of your potential, using the sum of both to inspire you to persist towards an alternative outcome? Or maybe you just want to be a cowgirl-boot wearing, brilliant astronaut who occasionally trades her boots in for soccer cleats and sings karaoke on the weekends? That's allowed to!

To exist both and then some doesn't proclaim you live flamboyantly while also demanding others accept you unconditionally. It doesn't mean you be everything beyond your personal capabilities and boundaries, living a performance based lifestyle and striving to stay afloat. Instead it's persisting with full recognition of the areas you can afford to mature in while also accepting the permission to gather all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly and let it forever form you.

Your varied interests, talents, hobbies, emotions, experiences, set backs, triumphs, mistakes, relationship hits and misses, it's all useful; ALL OF IT. We don't have to choose between the person we were, the person we are and the person we want to be. We can befriend and compile the mixture that makes up our lives and step into a place ever evolving but entirely more free.

Embrace both and then some and explore the wealth of your worth.


  1. I love this. Beautifully put, and I agree wholeheartedly!



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