|| This weekend my long time friend Christiann of Portland Fresh stopped by for a quick visit! She's doing her rounds being an amazing food photographer and made the time to swing by London to spend a day with me!
Of course we started with coffee (because addicts) but they say the first step is admitting it. I wouldn't claim myself to be a coffee connoisseur but I'll do what it takes to get a good cup of brew. Originally we got lost trying to find the first spot only to find out they were CLOSED ON A SATURDAY?! Luckily we found two other sufficient alternatives and got coffee at both to reward ourselves in our efforts.
After we fueled ourselves up we played tourists at the infamous Borough Market. I'm not kidding, there was so. much. cheese. to choose from - it was a mouse's holy land! I spent my time tasting samples like a good little american Costco shopper while she professionally took photos and purchased cheese like a real deal cheese champ. (ps. I miss Costco..)
Amongst the land of cheese and honey was food vendor after food vendor with every type of cuisine you could get your lips on. In the spirit of adventure we stopped by a stand serving mulled wine. They offered a "medicinal" blend which is code for "with whiskey" so naturally we took them up on it. It warmed our hearts... and our cheeks ;)
Overall we had a great time enduring the pushing through of crowded chaos in the non-stop London rain. It all proved more than worth it! ||
If you enjoy your food for its looks as well as it's taste, check out Christiann's work as Portland Fresh at http://www.portlandfresh.com/!
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