everything, heart and soul.

Monday, August 31, 2015

||  There's a chance you're wondering why my blog is self titled rather than it having a more clever name? Maybe it even seems self-centered at first glance and maybe you're right. OR, maybe there's just a little more to it...

To be completely honest, this isn't my first blogging rodeo. I innately have a love for the written word, digital or by hand. My oma was an author and I'd credit a lot of myself to her.

Over the last few blogging attempts I constantly struggled on what to write about. There was always this internal battle on whether to keep it business professional or to let it be a more of a "lessons learned" type of place. My interests have always varied and often times I was getting criticized for it. I felt boxed me in and held back from being my total and true self.

Enter: 'arlina vanessa'.

The essence of 'arlina vanessa' and the story behind the name is only but a freeing reminder to myself to stay, well, myself. My varied interests are part of what makes me unique as there are I'm sure, plenty of things that make you unique in your own way as well.

I'm a mixed-media work of art and some may find me intriguing and others may find me too complex but no matter how much I've fought against it, I truly cannot be anyone but myself and trust me, I've tried. I guess rather, it's time I just embrace it.

I hope you find this a place for you to relate to and to feel safe. Nothing about what I'll write is new or better than what anyone else has done but I am believing for a day when we can all engage in each other's journeys and celebrate in each other's accomplishments with genuine delight.

I want to hear your story.
I want to share with you mine.

So anything goes and the sky will barely be the limit here! Thank you for being a part, even if just as a reader. I'm convinced life is better lived together.   ||


something of a sunday

Sunday, August 30, 2015

||   Life in London is proving itself to be exactly what I needed in this particular space and time of my life.

The pace here feels slower although without the worry that you're somehow missing out. It's quite refreshing really.

From line drying garments to tea and rose' everyday, London may be the life for me..    ||

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